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Helpful Resources


  • Middle School Tutoring Program
    • Math - Mrs. Morrison-Tuesday/Thursday 3:00 - 4:00
    • 7th & 8th Grade ELA - Mr. Sell - Tuesday/Thursday  3:00 - 4:00
TRio Program
  •  TRiO Talent Search - Grades 7-12
    • Talent Search programs serve young people in grades 7 through 12. In addition to education assistance, participants receive information about college admissions requirements, scholarships and various student financial aid programs. This early intervention program helps low-income and first generation students to better understand their educational opportunities and options. Over 386,000 students are enrolled in 471 Talent Search TRIO programs. 
    • See Mrs. Deusen with questions or to apply. 
College Bound Scholarship
  • College Bound Program
    • College Bound is a scholarship program that begins after the student graduates from high school (a GED does not qualify). Students have to be in the program by the end of 8th grade and cannot enroll once they are in high school.   Students can use the scholarship at any of the eligible Washington institutions, including public community and technical colleges, public four-year colleges and universities, independent colleges and universities, and private career colleges. The scholarship covers average tuition, some fees, and a small book allowance. It is renewable for four years as long as the student maintains their grades, files a FAFSA form each year, uses the scholarship within 5 years of high school graduation, and is a US citizen or eligible non-citizen. 
    • Requirements for the program are a 2.0 GPA, parents' educational/income level, and completing and turning in the application to the counselor.  All eligible students must be registered by the end of 8th grade in order to be in the program in high school.
    • See Ms. Deusen or Ms. Sammi with any questions and to register.