Homework Policy
The main purposes of homework are to help students practice new skills, prepare for the next day, and expand what they already know. All students in grades 6-8 should expect 70-100 minutes of homework each night. Please note that this could change based on class/project requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to write assignments in their planner and complete them on time.
Make-up Work
After being tardy or absent from a class, STUDENTS must take responsibility to ask their teachers what work was missed.
- Only after being absent more than two consecutive days, may the parent/guardian call the Student Office to request assignments and arrange pick-up.
- 24 hour notice is needed to fill homework requests.
- Participation points for classroom work may be made up at teacher discretion as outlined in the class syllabus.
- Students absent from class without permission (i.e., unexcused or truant) will be required to make up work in order to remain current in the class, but may not receive credit for that work, as outlined in class syllabus.
Students with excused absences can complete make-up work and will receive credit for the make-up work submitted to their teacher.