What is the RMS Interact Club?
Interact Club is a service and social club sponsored by Rotary International, whos focus is to provide service to others and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Interact gives students the chance to make a real difference while having fun. Every Interact club carries out at least two service projects a year: one local and one international
What is the Purpose?
- Connect with community leaders
- Develop leadership and teamwork skills
- Make international connections
- help others in need
- expand their understanding of the world and promote goodwill
RMS Interact members strive to be leaders and role models to those around them and are always willing to lend a hand! All RMS students are welcome and encouraged to join us as we reach out to help others in need. We meet at least once a month with additional service opportunities offered throughout the year. Some of the activities we may choose to coordinate this year include: sending thank you cards to veterans, collecting and delivering books and toys to Children's Hospital, visits to nursing homes, fundraising for a variety of causes and a food drive.
ADVISOR: Mr. Sell,
Interact website: