Highly Capable Program
Rainier School District’s Highly Capable Program
If you would like to have your child considered for testing, nomination forms will be available in each school office as well as on the district website.
All nomination forms will be reviewed and all students nominated will go through a screening process that includes a review of state assessment scores, district assessment scores, teacher input and the results of an online screening assessment (CogAT). Parents/Guardian's of those students who are identified through the initial screening process will be notified with information on scheduling the students to take the full battery of tests (CogAT) online.
A selection committee will then review the test results and other pertinent information such as full battery CogAT test, grades, and other holistic information gathered from parents and teachers. Those students considered highly qualified will be identified, and the students and parent/guardian will be notified.
Elementary students who are identified as highly capable will be placed in the advanced reading and/or the advanced math group. Middle school and high school students who are identified will be placed in the honors and AP classes. All students in this program will have access to enrichment activities as they become available.
Parent Referral Sheets
Highly Capable Program Parent Referral Information for K-5
Highly Capable Program Parent Referral Information for Grades 6-12
With any questions about highly capable nominations, please contact Kristin Robinson at
robinsonk@rainier.wednet.edu or by phone at 360.446.2205.